If you do not want to spend money on a complete home inspection but still would like to protect yourself from costly repairs and replacements in the future, then our “Walk & Talk” service is probably ideal for you.
A Walk & Talk home consultation, unlike a complete home inspection, occurs when both the buyer and the inspector visit the property together to briefly examine the structure and damages. While the buyer is focused on things such as cosmetics and aesthetics, the inspector briefly analyzes the structure’s integrity. A ‘walk & talk’ can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Hire our Qualified and Experienced
A Walk & Talk is not a home inspection, and there are no photos or reports offered. We strongly advise buyers and sellers to carry a notepad and camera with them when walking through the property to take notes and photos. In the hour allotted, the inspector can look at any locations or components you want, however, it is recommended that this service be used for more expensive elements like the roof, foundation, electrical system, and HVAC system. Nowadays, some buyers now decide to avoid home inspections which allows them to win against multiple offers on a property. A Walk & Talk will prepare you for any large charges you may incur in the future. This way you'll be able to make an informed decision on your purchase without having to pay for a full home inspection. Sellers who wish to know if their roof, HVAC, or other components of their property have any serious unanticipated issues before selling or before the buyer's home inspection can benefit from Walk & Talks.